Licenses and renewals
Buy DbVisualizer Pro
Unlock all features by purchasing a subscription for DbVisualizer Pro. All subscriptions include a perpetual usage license (pay once, use forever).
How it works
When you buy a DbVisualizer subscription you will get a perpetual license (buy once, use forever) for the software. In addition, you will have access to all software updates during the subscription term.
Buy once, use forever
You will always have access to DbVisualizer Pro for the versions that were released during your subscription term.
Software updates
An active subscription is required to access software updates and new releases. Including new features, security updates etc.
Subscription renewal
You can renew an expired subscription at a renewal cost to access the latest version of DbVisualizer.
Volume discounts
The list below shows our discount levels and pricing for new and renewal license purchases. Volume discounts are applied per order and any previous purchases are not considered.
Please note that you will need to have one license per user.
Other discounts
Enterprise licensing
Enterprise licensing is available for large organisations. The enterprise license allows organisations to use the same key for every DbVisualizer installation. It can include concepts such as co-term, true-up and similar. If you are interested to learn more, please contact sales.
Support options
Our packages are built to suit different needs. See exactly what’s
included in each package below.
You retain a perpetual license to keep using DbVisualizer Pro at the version you had when your subscription expired. Renewal, auto or manually, is optional and required to get access to new versions beyond the first subscription term.
Yes. We offer license consolidation as a cost saving option where you can consolidate all licenses in a single renewal order, taking advantage of any volume discounts. Use the contact form and specify the order reference numbers and we will get back to you with a quote.
After you have purchased DbVisualizer a license certificate email containing the license key will be sent to you. Load the license key in Help->License Key in DbVisualizer to activate the DbVisualizer Pro features.
Yes. When you renew your old license you will automatically be converted to subscription.
Yes. DbVisualizer Pro offers enterprise licensing where a single license key is generated for all users. The software is still licensed per user so the amount of users need to be monitored to not exceed the licensed amount.
DbVisualizer with Premium support gives you full support during your license period:
Issues are addressed directly by developers
Unlimited ticket based priority support
Guaranteed response within 1 business day
Issue escalation to product development team
Hotfixes/emergency patches in case of critical bugs
If you choose DbVizualizer Pro without Premium support you get 60 days support during your getting started period.
As long as you have an active subscription you will have access to future releases.
A licensed user may use the same license at work, at home, on the go. Even simultaneously.
You can contact our sales support team via our contact form
Yes. We offer volume discounts, multi year discount and discounts for non-profit organizations and startup's.
If your subscription is set to manual renewal you can easily change this in your subscription management page that you reach through a link in your license confirmation e-mail. Auto-renewal is set by default when you purchase DbVisualizer.
We offer payments by credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express and JCB), PayPal, purchase order and wire transfer.
All DbVisualizer online sales are processed by our third-party payment processor cleverbridge. All major credit cards are accepted as well as payment via bank/wire transfer. The ordering procedure is processed via encryption and safe secure transmission of all data you enter.
For inquiries regarding orders registered with cleverbridge, please check the cleverbridge contact information web page.
For inquiries regarding orders registered with cleverbridge, please check the cleverbridge contact information web page.
Sales support
DbVisualizer Free and DbVisualizer Pro use the same installation file. The Pro features are enabled with a license key.