Postgres Create Array of Numbers: Complete Guide


PostgreSQL is a rather unique database management system in that its support for data types is unparalleled. In this blog, we find out how to approach one of those data types and create arrays with numbers.

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Many of the readers of our blog will be aware of PostgreSQL as a database management system — this database management system is famous for its extensive support for data types, as well as its reliability, data integrity, as well as its ability to handle complex queries, foreign keys, views, triggers, and so much more.

With that in mind, it shouldn’t be at all surprising that people turn to PostgreSQL to solve their most pressing database issues, whatever they may be. Specifically, in this guide, you will see how to use Postgres to create an array of numbers!

Let’s dive in!

Creating an Array of Numbers in PostgreSQL

With that being said, sometimes in life you may come across situations where the present DBMS you run is no longer capable of helping you. Creating an array of numbers is one of such issues.

Fortunately, PostgreSQL is unique in its approach to data types offering many distinct data types you can choose from as well as allowing you to come up with column definitions that are usually not feasible in other database management systems. For example, when a need to create an array of numbers may arise, MySQL will offer integer-based data types like SMALLINT, INT, or BIGINT, but no support for anything outside of that realm.

With PostgreSQL’s ability to create array values as part of data types, creating an array of numbers is now possible. Creating a table bearing an array of numbers in PostgreSQL would look like so:

1 CREATE TABLE demo_table ( 2 id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, 3 first_name VARCHAR(50), 4 title VARCHAR(70) NOT NULL, 5 numbers INTEGER[], 6 -- ... 7 );

Note the INTEGER[] definition — such a definition not only allows us to insert integer values into that specific column (in our case, the column is titled “numbers”), but also defines it as an array using the brackets ([]) or the ARRAY statement.

So, below is the syntax for defining a column as an array of numbers in PostgreSQL in a SQL CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement:

1 column_name INTEGER[]

Postgres integer arrays can also be created by specifying their length by using queries like these: numbers INTEGER[5] or numbers INTEGER ARRAY[5], as in the following example:

1 CREATE TABLE demo_table ( 2 id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, 3 first_name VARCHAR(50), 4 title VARCHAR(70) NOT NULL, 5 numbers INTEGER[5], 6 -- ... 7 );

Note: Although you are specifying a length of 5, PostgreSQL does not enforce this as a hard limit. You can still insert arrays of different lengths into this column. The [5] is more of a hint or documentation rather than a constraint.

Our query would execute this way:

Creating a table with an array of numbers in PostgreSQL with DbVisualizer
Creating a table with an array of numbers in PostgreSQL with DbVisualizer

So, the complete syntax is:

1 column_name INTEGER[length]

Or, equivalently:

1 column_name INTEGER ARRAY[length]

Where length is an optional number to indicate the maximum array size. Note that in the second syntax option, length is mandatory. If you omit it, you will get the following syntax error:

1 ERROR: syntax error at or near "]"

In other words, the column_name INTEGER ARRAY[] syntax is not allowed!

Once creating a table with an array of numbers, you will be enabled to work with array-based integer values inside PostgreSQL:

1 INSERT INTO demo_table(first_name, title, numbers) VALUES('John', 'CEO', '{1, 2, 3}');
Inserting array values into a table in PostgreSQL with DbVisualizer
Inserting array values into a table in PostgreSQL with DbVisualizer

Note that array-based integer values should be presented to PostgreSQL as a JSON array, that is, as {1,2,3} instead of numbers “in a list” like 1,2,3. The size of the array in PostgreSQL will directly influence how many values you can store in that specific column.

Wonderful! You now know how to handle the Postgres create array of numbers operation.

DbVisualizer and PostgreSQL

Creating arrays based on numbers is only a small feature of PostgreSQL available to its users.

Advanced DBAs will know that PostgreSQL also has many different types of indexes available for use (GiST — Generalized Search Tree — comes to mind) and is capable of many other different things, but they have to be unleashed.

To unleash them, you must make use of powerful SQL clients and editors. Sure, some may be better than others, so to choose the SQL editor for you, make sure to look at reviews and customers using the product.

Once you look at the reviews, you will quickly notice that DbVisualizer is among the top and that’s not without a reason — DbVisualizer is a SQL client that’s consistently top-rated for users across various industries.

DbVisualizer has powerful features, providing the ability to:

  • Insert data into your database (see example below);
  • Act as an SQL editor and format, build, and autocomplete your SQL queries when necessary;
  • Export and query data as if they’re editing a spreadsheet, and complete many other tedious tasks that would usually be completed by a DBA.
Using DbVisualizer to insert data into a PostgreSQL table
Using DbVisualizer to insert data into a PostgreSQL table

DbVisualizer is also unique in its ability to provide references to the tables that have been built using the tool — navigate to any table, click on the References column, and you will soon find that out for yourself:

ERD schemas in DbVisualizer using the References tab
ERD schemas in DbVisualizer using the References tab

DbVisualizer is capable of doing many other things as well — if you find yourself often running queries, you will certainly make use of its formatting capabilities:

Formatting SQL queries with DbVisualizer
Formatting SQL queries with DbVisualizer

DbVisualizer has many other features unique to itself that will help you in your daily work — explore the full list of those features, then grab a free 21-day trial of the software.

After you’ve acquired the software, make sure to test the SQL editor within your own infrastructure and let us know if you run into any issues, or shoot us a message on Twitter (X).


PostgreSQL is an awesome database management system. The things that make it different from other database management systems are the same things that make it unique and an excellent choice for developers, database administrators, or data analysts.

In this blog, you’ve saw that PostgreSQL is far from unequipped — we’ve walked you through how to use Postgres to create an array of numbers (that’s not possible in other database management systems due to their design), as well as how to insert data into the column(s) that you’ve defined.

Make use of PostgreSQL by using top-rated SQL editors and clients like DbVisualizer: grab a free 21-day trial and start your journey today, and we’ll see you in the next blog.


Why choose PostgreSQL over other databases?

As an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS), PostgreSQL can be employed to solve a wide variety of problems:

  • PostgreSQL users can work with bigger data sets for analytics operations.
  • PostgreSQL users can acquire ACID compliance that may not be possible to achieve if you’re using NoSQL solutions like MongoDB.
  • PostgreSQL offers features not available in MySQL such as more data types, GROUP BY ROLLUP, support for full outer joins, windowing functions, support for arrays and user-defined aggregates, and so on. As such, PostgreSQL has “more weight” than MySQL, but it also can be used for different use cases.

As such, PostgreSQL is a good choice for those who want to explore the possibilities of an object-oriented database management system for their use case. With that being said, no one forces you to switch to PostgreSQL if you’re using a different database management system — if your present DBMS solves all the issues you’re having, great.

How is PostgreSQL different from other database management systems?

PostgreSQL does differ from other database management systems in that it offers almost unparalleled support for data types as well as acts as an Object-relational database management system, or ORDBMS. That means that such a database management system will have extended support for object-oriented data concepts.

Is the Postgres create array of numbers operation complex?

Postgres create array of numbers

No—creating an array of numbers in Postgres isn’t complex and that can be done by simply defining a column having an integer data type as an array. We’ve shown you how to do that on various occasions across this blog alone.

Should I use PostgreSQL or MySQL?

It depends — the choice depends on you and your personal preferences as well as the goals you want to achieve by using the database management system:

  • If your use case necessitates an enterprise-level application, use PostgreSQL.
  • If you’re after a shorter learning curve, consider MySQL.
  • If your application necessitates frequent updates to data rather than frequent reads, consider using PostgreSQL.

Learn more in our detailed comparison guide on PostgreSQL vs MySQL.

Where can I learn more about databases?

To learn more about the ins and outs of database management systems, consider visiting conferences and gatherings like Percona LIVE, MariaDB Server Fest, and others. Alternatively, have a gander through blogs like The Table, and consider subscribing to database-related YouTube channels such as Database Dive.

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About the author
Lukas Vileikis
Lukas Vileikis is an ethical hacker and a frequent conference speaker. He runs one of the biggest & fastest data breach search engines in the world -, frequently speaks at conferences and blogs in multiple places including his blog over at
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