
Queries and Subqueries in SQL: The Definitive Guide


Let’s find out everything you need to know about subqueries and how they impact your queries in SQL. Dive in with us!

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SQL queries… You’ve heard of them — who hasn’t? It’s no exaggeration to say that you’ve probably recently executed a couple of them, too! SQL queries help you create, modify (alter), or delete data, and they’re a paramount part of your database strategy. One of the things that you will come across when working with them is that they’re rather complex and have a lot of things associated with them. One of those things is subqueries. Let’s explore queries and subqueries in SQL!

Queries in SQL Explained

To fully understand how queries help your database achieve its goals, think of them as tasks. Queries are tasks that you’ve given to your database and to complete those tasks, your database has to sift through them, and, eventually, execute them.

Queries are composed of multiple subtasks — for a task (your query) to complete, your database has to work on and fully execute subtasks given to it by your database. Those subtasks may differ from database to database, but in general, they’re all part of the same “query map” — to observe that query map, we have to profile our queries and see what they’re doing internally.

After we walk ourselves through ways to execute SQL queries using the SQL client built by DbVisualizer, we’ll find that each database implements profiling differently. For example, MariaDB approaches profiling using a three-step process:

  1. We turn on profiling
  2. We run our SQL queries
  3. We observe the results from the query profiler (an appliance that lets us observe the internal execution steps of our queries)

First, we need to turn on the query profiler (by default, it is off) and then run the necessary SQL queries for our use case.

For this instance, we use a bunch of dummy data consisting of codes, country codes, fake usernames, genders, IP addresses, and other information:

Profiling a Query in MariaDB  Initializing
Profiling a Query in MariaDB — Initializing

After that’s done, we can observe the results using SHOW PROFILES (the duration is shown as “6.609E-4” because the number is too small for DbVisualizer to display — the query was executed internally):

Profiling a query in MariaDB  Results of SHOW PROFILES
Profiling a query in MariaDB — Results of SHOW PROFILES

Once we identify our query in the list, we can issue a query like SHOW PROFILE FOR QUERY [id] to see what our database was doing internally when executing it. That query will return a bunch of steps that were necessary for the database to complete before our query has reached the finish line:

Profiling a query in MariaDB  Results of query profiling
Profiling a query in MariaDB — Results of query profiling

DbVisualizer is only displaying 12 initial steps — to see the rest of them (there are over 20), we’ll have to scroll down, so we’ll outline them for you here instead:

  1. Starting — our SQL query is starting
  2. checking permissions — the database checks whether the user that runs the SQL query has all of the necessary permissions to execute it
  3. Opening tables — the database is opening tables (SQL queries can only be executed when tables are open)
  4. After opening tables — the database is completing miscellaneous operations after opening tables
  5. System lock — the database is waiting for a system lock to be released if it’s in place
  6. table lock — the database is waiting for a table lock to be released if it’s in place
  7. init — initialization processes by the database (flushing logs, etc.)
  8. Optimizing — internal work by the database to determine how best to optimize the query
  9. Statistics — the database server is calculating internal statistics-related data
  10. Preparing — the database is preparing to run the query
  11. Executing — the database is executing the query
  12. Sending data — the database is sending data back to the server
  13. End of update loop — a loop is completed (the query finishes internally)
  14. Query end — a query ends
  15. Commit — commit processes save changes to data
  16. Closing tables — tables are closed as part of ACID compliance by MariaDB
  17. Unlocking tables — tables are unlocked to facilitate work within them
  18. Closing tables (second such result) — tables are closed as part of ACID compliance by MariaDB
  19. Starting cleanup — MariaDB cleans up after executing the query
  20. Freeing items — the database is freeing items necessary for upcoming queries to execute
  21. Updating status — the database is updating its status and getting ready to execute upcoming queries
  22. Reset for next command — the database is ready to execute upcoming queries

No matter what kind of query is executed within your database, your database has to go through a multitude of steps outlined above. These are the subtasks that your task (query) consists of — and to finish (complete) a query, your database has to complete those subtasks. Once they’re finished, your database will return results.

Why Are Queries Slow?

TL;DR: queries are slow because the tasks concerning them are completed slowly — to optimize their performance, make those tasks execute faster or remove them altogether so they’re not executed at all.

When completing any kind of queries, your database has to complete a multitude of subtasks it’s concerned with and this is where we get into another question plaguing developers and DBAs for ages — “My SQL queries are slow. Why?” Well, that’s because the subtasks concerned with them are slow. You probably don’t notice your queries slowing down when they scan through 20 records, only when they scan through some more, right? There’s a logical explanation for that happening and that’s because your database has to work with more data than before!

If you ask for data that’s not necessary (e.g. use SELECT * instead of SELECT column), your queries will be slower because they need to scan through more data. The same goes when your database has to work with more data than before — if you execute 500,000 INSERT queries in a SQL file, each of them will have to complete before your database gives the “OK” sign for you to proceed.

There’s much more to be said about query performance so if you’re interested in that sort of thing we recommend you read “Hacking MySQL: Breaking, Optimizing, and Securing MySQL for Your Use Case”, and now, let’s look into subqueries.

How to Work with SQL Subqueries?

SQL subqueries are just what they sound like — they’re SQL queries with SQL queries inside of them. Subqueries are nested inside of ( and ) characters because they don’t define a column — they often select data from another table or database instead.

A basic example of subqueries would be as follows:

1 SELECT country, username, (SELECT car_brand FROM car_data WHERE car_data.id = demo_data.id) AS car_brand 2 FROM demo_data;

Look closely — we select a country and a username and then nest another query inside of our present query where we not only display the country the user is from but also select the car brand driven by the person. That’s the power of subqueries in SQL!

Basic Example of Subqueries in SQL with DbVisualizer
Basic Example of Subqueries in SQL with DbVisualizer

So, subqueries are pretty easy to grasp — subqueries in SQL refer to queries within our queries and they’re usually nested within ( and ) characters because they don’t define a column, but rather define a separate SQL query that gets executed by our database.

So, queries and subqueries in SQL have tasks to accomplish within themselves — that’s why queries executing subqueries may also sometimes be slow. To optimize query performance, consider using partitioning, indexing, and other practices outlined in the DbVisualizer blog.


SQL queries and subqueries are interesting creatures — all SQL queries are tasks composed of subtasks your database needs to complete, and as such, go through various phases when they’re executing. SQL subqueries are the same as SQL queries, it’s just that they’re nested inside of them.

We hope that this blog has deepened your understanding about queries and subqueries in SQL, and until next time!


What are SQL queries?

SQL queries are queries — tasks — outlined by your application and forwarded to your database. They’re executed after your database goes through all of the steps to execute them.

What are SQL subqueries?

SQL subqueries are queries that are nested within other SQL queries. They do impact query execution time as a whole.

What is the difference between queries and subqueries in SQL?

SQL queries are pieces of tasks that you entrust your database to execute. Subqueries are SQL queries wrapped in other SQL queries.

Why are SQL queries slow?

Your SQL queries are slow because the internal tasks they have to complete finish slowly. To make them execute faster, optimize the performance of those tasks or remove them altogether.

Where can I learn more about queries and subqueries in SQL?

To learn more about queries and subqueries in SQL amongst other things, attend conferences and gatherings, read blogs written by reputable vendors, and also read books on the subject. We’d recommend Hacking MySQL by Lukas Vileikis — for those wanting some quick and applicable advice on the MySQL front, it should be the book to go.

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About the author
Lukas Vileikis
Lukas Vileikis is an ethical hacker and a frequent conference speaker. He runs one of the biggest & fastest data breach search engines in the world - BreachDirectory.com, frequently speaks at conferences and blogs in multiple places including his blog over at lukasvileikis.com.
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