
SQL GROUP BY Clause: What It Is, How It Works, How to Approach It


The SQL GROUP BY statement is used to group rows that have a similar column value together. In this blog, we’ll figure out what it is, how it works, and what you can do to make it work for you.

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Many of the readers of our blog will know their way around SQL statements like SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE — these are known as the CRUD statements and they are used when we select, update, insert, or delete rows within our tables. However, rows that are selected, updated, inserted, or deleted often need to be acted upon in other ways — that’s where clauses like the SQL GROUP BY clause comes into play!

What Is the GROUP BY Clause?

The SQL GROUP BY clause allows developers to group rows with similar values into a set of values. At the most basic level, the GROUP BY SQL clause looks like so:

1 SELECT id, username 2 FROM demo_data 3 WHERE username IS NOT NULL 4 GROUP BY id 5 LIMIT 10;

In the above query, we limited the number of returned rows to the first 10 results with the SQL LIMIT clause.

Execute the query, and you will get a result as below:

Basic SQL GROUP BY clause in DbVisualizer
Basic SQL GROUP BY clause in DbVisualizer

These are the bare bone basics of GROUP BY in SQL. However, the statement is capable of so much more, as you will soon find out.

Beyond the Basics — Use Cases of GROUP BY

With that said, the GROUP BY SQL clause is often combined with other statements, such as ORDER BY, or aggregate functions like MIN(), MAX(), SUM(), AVG(), or COUNT(). When combined with other statements, the SQL GROUP BY clause often looks like this:

1 SELECT id, username 2 FROM demo_data 3 WHERE username IS NOT NULL 4 GROUP BY id 5 ORDER BY id DESC 6 LIMIT 10;
SQL GROUP BY clause with the ORDER BY statement in DbVisualizer
SQL GROUP BY clause with the ORDER BY statement in DbVisualizer

In the example above, we’ve ordered our database to list rows from the highest to the lowest in descending order.

Suppose you work for a book publisher like Apress, Manning, or O’Reilly and want to find out the sum of advances given to authors having the surname “Surnamey.” Here’s the query you would craft:

1 SELECT *, SUM(advance_amount) 2 FROM books 3 WHERE surname = "Surnamey" 4 GROUP BY id;

Your database would return data from all columns in the database together with the summed-up advance amount for people having such a surname, and the SQL GROUP BY clause would group the results for easy reading.

The same goes for MAX and MIN — if you want to find out the minimum or the maximum advance given to the authors, you would employ queries like so:

1 SELECT fname, MAX(advance_amount) 2 FROM books 3 GROUP BY area_id;

It’s really not that hard, is it?

When to Use the GROUP BY SQL Clause?

The true beauty of the GROUP BY clause shines when:

  1. You have a rather big data set
  2. You want to group rows with similar features together
  3. You have the need for the usage of functions like MIN, MAX , SUM, or the like.

The reasons behind this are quite self-explanatory and obvious:

  1. Bigger data sets mean more data you can group into a specific group and, thus, organize.
  2. Grouping rows with similar features together may enable you to better understand the gems your data may provide for your business.
  3. Using functions together with the GROUP BY clause makes it possible to complete analysis on rather big data sets without running 5000 queries at once (e.g. if you’re analyzing data breaches, you may be able to figure out how many people have used the same email domain to register on a service without running multiple queries too. Employ a COUNT(*) query, group it by some column, and voilà).

The SQL GROUP BY clause is an exceptionally useful tool for those performing analytics operations — it enables you to essentially employ your database, whatever it may be, to complete in-depth analysis operations without you putting in any work at all.

Yes, if you run bigger data sets, you will certainly have to wait for a while for your queries to complete, but in general, isn’t the GROUP BY SQL clause a great invention? Not only for lazy people — for analysts, too!


As powerful as the GROUP BY clause may be, it’s not the only database query helping you in your every day work. The database world is complex, and DBAs are the ones solving the most complex problems at the click of a button — here’s where SQL editors and clients like the one developed by DbVisualizer can step in.

Being the database client with the highest user satisfaction in the market, DbVisualizer can take the load of work off your hands by offering extensive features to bathe your database in.

DbVisualizer can act as an SQL editor and format, build, and autocomplete your SQL queries, it offers extensive support for all of the most popular data sources including, but not limited to, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQLite, and others. It also allows you to create monitors to repeatedly query databases in set intervals, enables you to query and export data as if it was a spreadsheet, and much more.

Aside from its extensive data modification features, the tool also has a properties window where you can, if necessary, adjust the functionality of certain aspects of DbVisualizer too — here we make the tool ask what to do with a transaction when it determines that it’s pending upon the disconnect phase:

Tool properties in DbVisualizer
Tool properties in DbVisualizer

From here, we leave the features of DbVisualizer up for you to explore — go grab a free 21-day trial and try the Pro version of DbVisualizer for yourself, and until next time.


The SQL GROUP BY clause enables developers to group relevant rows into groups for ease of access, data analysis, as well as other use cases. The clause may seem ordinary and nothing special, however, when one digs deeper into it, he can understand what a gem the GROUP BY SQL clause really is.

We hope that you’ve enjoyed reading this blog about this gem, and until next time.


What is the SQL GROUP BY Clause?

The GROUP BY clause in SQL allows us to group data by a specified parameter to accomplish a set of distinct objectives that may range from listing the number of customers located in a specific country to the analysis of email addresses in a data breach.

Why should I use DbVisualizer?

Consider using DbVisualizer because it’s the database client with the highest user satisfaction in the market. As the tool has a long history of being the preferred database tool for the world’s leading data professionals including experts from Netflix, Tesla, Volkswagen, and others. Try it free for 21 days!

Are there other important SQL clauses for my specific DBMS?

Of course, there will always be more SQL clauses you should keep track of — it’s next to impossible to list them all here, but keeping in touch with the documentation of your specific database management system should do. Check out our article on the SQL commands you need to know.

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About the author
Lukas Vileikis
Lukas Vileikis is an ethical hacker and a frequent conference speaker. He runs one of the biggest & fastest data breach search engines in the world - BreachDirectory.com, frequently speaks at conferences and blogs in multiple places including his blog over at lukasvileikis.com.
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